
Monday, 21 October 2013

Want and Need

There are times when wanting something will overpower the need for something. Many people say, when you don't need it, you probably don't. But take this into another context, you will realize that the want will sometimes overrule the need.

In love, sometimes it's all about the right timing. Missing one opportunity does not mean it's the end of the world, you'll probably get another chance. However, some people do think that missing one opportunity would mean that there are going to be no more. I don't believe it's the case.

You can't change the past, but rather, the near future. You are in charge of the actions that will influence future events. So, assess the current situation. You've just missed one opportunity, do you continue to wait?

Simply, there are two answers: Yes and No. But behind every yes, there's a reason why. The question, now more specifically, is asking, "Are you willing to wait?"

Take careful notice of my wording here. There is a difference between willing to wait and needing to wait for the next opportunity.

Willingness is the feeling which drives your patience. The need to wait can do the opposite. Need is a choice in which one forces himself to wait in order to complete a certain task (ie. confession of feelings). This will feel like a long, tiring and torturing task-- but only if you make it so.

You should be willing to wait if you really love and care for the person. It should not be a form of torture, but rather something to look forward to each and every day. In addition, you might have to change the way you try and find the opportunity. Because you missed it this time because of this reason, try to do something to make sure it doesn't happen again.

I wish you all, the adorable lovesick puppies, the best of luck. I am cheering for you with my words. 

You're all probably very sweet and caring people to find this post and take the time to read it. At least my words are going out to the appropriate people, right?

P.S. This opportunity situation only applies to most relationships as they are mostly general. Long distances will have to message me and I'll try to help through some limited experiences where I have gained knowledge about this subject.

... Also, I am not a love expert. I give comments based on my experiences...

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

About: Untitled

In regards to the previous post,

I do not attempt to rhyme; I never really want my writing to. But sometimes, it seems to contain a hidden rhythm; a rhythm of my mind, thought and heart; it is impulsive and concealed in meaning—that even I do not understand. I only attempt to put my thoughts into words as they come and go, like waves, as the words float towards me and give me the one and only opportunity to grasp it and use it. Nonetheless, this is prose. It is carefree prose; the only things it does contain are feelings and thoughts, bluntly put.

What was the piece about?

It was a transcription of my mind. The words that come are transcribed onto the page. Typed, written… words on paper. Sometimes even I have a hard time trying to understand how I feel and what my mind is thinking about. However, this one is quite clear to me. It’s about that very sliver of happiness or hope that can cut through a cloud of darkness and displeasure. It can be that one event, making a bad day seem good. It could be a friend, whom you treasure the time you spend together. And that very same friend who is there for you—most of the time— when you need him or her. It’s anything that gives happiness, hope, and energy within an exhausting, gloomy and uncomfortable type of … Weather.


I need a title, but I don't have one. Broken train of thought, I wrote the draft of this first when the words first started flowing into my mind, in my school library.

In life, sunlight can be a blinding factor. 
For me, it’s usually a good thing. 
On the days where I am feeling in discontent, the sun is a friend. 
And the sunlight—is his smile. 

I take a walk through, in the very short interval of commute, 
And embrace nature as it stands tall around me. 
The water, dancing down the steps and singing its familiar song, 
And the plants, living and enjoying their days of the quiet life. 

And then, there’s the sun. 
He spreads happiness as it peeks, through the cloak of the skies, and plays hide-and-seek. 
It’s a hard game for him as he shines so brightly. 
So easy to find, but not so easy to treasure. 

Sunlight dances across the skin of bypassing members of society, 
Some too busy to notice. 
Some too busy to acknowledge existence. 
And then, there’s our friendship. 

Sunlight dances across my cheeks and guides me, 
As I walk through nature’s path: 
Embracing nature,
Embracing the sun.

And sometimes… 
A smile peeks through this cloak of mine 
That surrenders, to the sun and his light, its purpose: 
To separate me from the world and from happiness. 


Saturday, 12 October 2013

Undesirable Sleep

Sometimes sleep is undesirable. I feel like time flies when I am asleep. Sleep is like a fast forward button of life. It propels you into the next day. But sometimes, just sometimes, I want time to freeze. Not because I want a certain moment to last forever, but because I do not want to face the next day and the days that lead up to the deadlines.

You can say, "Well, you're just afraid. You're just a scaredy cat." And guess what, you're probably right.

I fear deadlines; I feel stress. I fear anything that puts me under pressure and anything that requires others' attention on me. I don't like attention. I am an introvert. To me, sleep is undesirable and I want time to freeze because I am exhausted and do not want this bubble of mine to pop.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Weather As Emotions

Sometimes, I feel rather close to the weather. When the sun is out, I feel rather calm and content. When it's gloomy, however, I feel down and depressed. Those feelings also show when it is rainy, and here in Vancouver, rain is what we get a lot.

Winter is a rather confusing season. When it snows, I might either be happy or sad. It can make me feel alone and empty. I like the snow, sometimes. The snowflakes look so free and beautiful as they float on their way down to earth.

And sometimes, I have no idea how I am feeling emotionally. I know I'm hungry right now, but have no money. Life is great...

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Mindfulness -- Expectations and Perspectives

So here we have a friend of mine, 
He has strong opinions of his own, which I respect a lot. 

Sometimes, he gets too overcritical over certain subjects. He absolutely despises feminists and Japan for reasons of which I understand. He judges nearly everything and feels he is right about everything he concludes with. 

We were on the subject of the dumb-ing down of early education. Students receive As for knowing concepts and putting little to no effort in the actual learning part of the education. Teachers are expected to give rather high grades (I like to call them charity letter grades). My friend? He simply says, "Why is it the teachers' fault?" I answered him as I thought it was a legitimate question for reason. Then, he goes on to conclude that some people, including me, simply do not understand "indirect meaning" and "cultural hints." 

He also states the following: 
  • "Look, this [the question above] clearly says it is not the teacher's fault."
  • "How do you and your friend not understand? [W]hen I point out obvious facts through a question?
  • "Seriously, learn to read like a person not a computer ... perfect example why machines will never understand human language because they will never understand the cultural baggage associated with language and indirect suggestions."

I feel pretty offended; because I simply took his question and answered him (according to him, like a computer), I get criticized for simply answering a question that did not seem like a stated fact at the time I read the question. I responded to him explaining that there are many ways one can perceive something-- in this case, a question. Understand that different people have different perspectives. This situation is a good example of why English teachers or professors tell their students to refrain from using rhetorical questions in essays. The questions can be viewed differently and the answers one might receive can be different than the one he/she expected. 

Common knowledge is not always common or knowledgeable; likewise, common sense is not always common or sensible. 

Be careful of what you expect from other people, it may not always be what you want. The world doesn't revolve about you; in fact, the world you live on revolves around greater bodies and, together, we are just a microscopic portion of the universe. 

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Here we go again, school again.

Hello all,

No, I am not dead. I have just been busy with my homework (this is the least of my worries), assignments (including essays) and presentations. Some professors give so many activities and assignments. They cause quite a bit of stress for me. Although I am ahead of my tasks-- for now-- I think I'm near the largest drop of a roller coaster ride, so very near.

What I expect for the next few weeks, more essays, assignments... I have a 1500 essay due on Dan Brown's The Da Vinvi Code. The essay is about the history of the book. I enjoy Dan Brown very much so; however, my professor seems to despise the author's writing very much. I'm afraid, but I'll go ahead and write about Dan Brown's book anyway. I'll take it as a challenge.

I also have a 1500 essay for my ENGL 1127 class. This essay is much more stressful. The proposal of 250 words took half a day and resulted in me sleeping at 3 AM. My brain was crying and I think white hairs were peeking out for their time in the limelight.

Midterms are also near, I must know my knowledge and concepts. I must know my "stuff". I am trying to maintain a CGPA that I will be satisfied with. It may be the only way I'll stay happy through all these assignments and work that I must do for this diploma (paper).

Not long after, I have an ASTR 3310 (Astronomy) presentation to give. I really hope my fear of public speaking has lessened after the job I took at PNE (Handstamper). I won't know unless I try, and it might be good... or it might be bad, very bad.

Have a good night everyone. Until next time...

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Given Up

I withdrew from English. This professor...
"Giving out F's like it's Christmas, and
A mark above C is like every February 29th."

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

I received an F.

Hello readers,

Today, I have officially received my first F in my academic studies. Yes, the very first F I have received. It is from my professor of the ENGL 1127 course I am taking this summer semester. I wonder if anyone can help me pass this course because it seems quite impossible at the moment. So if you have any writing tips or reminders for essay writing to pass on, please let me know in the comments below. 

I cannot say whether it is my mistake or the professor. A couple classmates also received Fs. I have confidence that I tried very hard for this timed English essay, but maybe it wasn't enough? Or, due to the amounts of Fs given out, it might be the professor's rather difficult marking. 

I am pretty upset about receiving an F in a subject that I feel I am competent at. Especially after all my grade 12 English teacher has taught me, I felt happy to be taking English again. However, this is not the case anymore. I understand that staying upset does not help me in the long run, but it is a feeling I have right now. Sadness. I am disappointed at myself being unable to pass this essay; it was the very first essay in this course. 

Like all cheesy lines, clichés and overused comfort-statements, I understand that this F does not stop the world from spinning and life from continuing. I will only be sad momentarily. The remaining faith in myself is staying intact and I will return stronger than ever. Life goes on and I will continue trying. All to make a change in this world, this lifetime ... for the better. 

Friday, 29 March 2013

That Spark of Light II

It was that spark of light again today.
All it requires are craft materials, branches, sticks...
Some sticky substance,
Possibly a result of my abnormal connection to just about anything.
Then a SUNSET.

Remember each person is unique and can stand out,
If you would only try.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

That Spark of Light

Sometimes in a world full of chaos, stress, and financial difficulties...
There is that spark of light that gives you hope and makes you happy. 
To find it isn't easy though,
So stay calm, stay innocent and pure--
Find it and be happy...
Even for just a second.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

January Book Picks

I will just talk about books I recommend as January reads. Many of them have nothing to do with the season associated to January or the month itself, they are just novels I recommend. Some of which I have read, in the process of reading, and looking forward to read. Note: I am not being paid to advertise. This is only my honest opinion and my suggestions to fellow readers.

1. The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern
I absolutely adore this book, I think I read this at least 5 more times. It may get confusing for some readers, but my artistic mind did not allow it. It made it very enjoyable to read. One of my favourite authors. She has another book out, equally as intriguing (my opinion). 

2. The Tiger's Curse Saga - Colleen Houck
I have this sitting on top of my bookshelf, I really want to read it. I did a Google search about it and it has really nice trailers for each book. If only I could find the time... Is there going to be a 5th book? Hmm, I wonder. 

3. The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown
Dan Brown is, hands down, one of my most favourite authors of all time. I discovered his writing during high school when looking for a book for silent reading. I found Deception Point which I also recommend reading. Well heck, I recommend all his books. Go nuts! PSST, he has a book coming out on May 14, 2013 called, Inferno. As a Dan Brown fan, I must collect ALL his books.

4. The Fault in Our Stars - John Green

Recommended by a fan of John Green (kind of like me, collecting all the books) and other friends who also bought and read the book. I have yet to have the time and look up what it is about. Something to do with how people think... check it out. I look forward to reading this book once I get my hands on it.

5. Me, Who Dove into the Heart of the World: A Novel
Sabina Burman
There are moments when I judge books by the title and the cover. The title catches my attention already, yet the cover is so simple and just mesmerizes my mind. Forgive me if you do not like it for I have no read it. If you have given it a read, feel free to let me know what you think of it. No spoilers please!

I believe that is enough suggestions to keep readers busy. Especially my recommendation of all the Dan Brown books... oops. Let me know what you think. I'll respect your opinion, everyone has their own preferences and yours are neither wrong nor right. It's things like that which makes all of us unique.

Monday, 14 January 2013

January's First Snowfall

As flakes dance downwards
from the heaven I
do not think exists, 
They descend upon
Earth, like angels that
I long to be. And
bring along with them,
the peace that I long
in this void of stress
that I have been fall-
ing through. I am at
harmony, Thank you.

This is January's First Snowfall. 

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year:
Blog readers, 

Fellow bloggers;
May 2013 treat you well!

I'm currently playing: ; Warning: vulgar language? I don't really pay attention to the lyrics, but don't say I didn't warn you. 

During New Year's Eve, my city has the annual "free transit" ride on New Year's Eve after 5 P.M. I took advantage of this and went took some buses, skytrains, Canada Line (subway/skytrain?) and the seabus. It was alright, been messing with the camera... and I think I was a bit overjoyed? I could have been the Tim Horton's French Vanilla... haha. Today brought back many memories of prom, and there were still Christmas decorations. Maybe I'll post a single picture from my "adventure" today. 

And I sit here, typing this blog post... drinking an IKEA Pear and Apple sparkling juice. Yum! Now I crave meatballs from IKEA, if you know what I mean.

This year started out neutral, it was very foggy outside though. I hope everyone partying got or will get home safely. Don't j-walk when there's thick fog, for your safety and everyone else's! I'm serious. Be safe and live for another year, the time you have is precious. 

Good night (morning) all!