
Monday, 21 October 2013

Want and Need

There are times when wanting something will overpower the need for something. Many people say, when you don't need it, you probably don't. But take this into another context, you will realize that the want will sometimes overrule the need.

In love, sometimes it's all about the right timing. Missing one opportunity does not mean it's the end of the world, you'll probably get another chance. However, some people do think that missing one opportunity would mean that there are going to be no more. I don't believe it's the case.

You can't change the past, but rather, the near future. You are in charge of the actions that will influence future events. So, assess the current situation. You've just missed one opportunity, do you continue to wait?

Simply, there are two answers: Yes and No. But behind every yes, there's a reason why. The question, now more specifically, is asking, "Are you willing to wait?"

Take careful notice of my wording here. There is a difference between willing to wait and needing to wait for the next opportunity.

Willingness is the feeling which drives your patience. The need to wait can do the opposite. Need is a choice in which one forces himself to wait in order to complete a certain task (ie. confession of feelings). This will feel like a long, tiring and torturing task-- but only if you make it so.

You should be willing to wait if you really love and care for the person. It should not be a form of torture, but rather something to look forward to each and every day. In addition, you might have to change the way you try and find the opportunity. Because you missed it this time because of this reason, try to do something to make sure it doesn't happen again.

I wish you all, the adorable lovesick puppies, the best of luck. I am cheering for you with my words. 

You're all probably very sweet and caring people to find this post and take the time to read it. At least my words are going out to the appropriate people, right?

P.S. This opportunity situation only applies to most relationships as they are mostly general. Long distances will have to message me and I'll try to help through some limited experiences where I have gained knowledge about this subject.

... Also, I am not a love expert. I give comments based on my experiences...

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